Cool... I have found a solution...


Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Since I know who is going to open this thread I don't need to title you in the title...

Joey Fitz
Benny Shoe
Steak Tartar

I have decided fuck it... I contribute to this forum or try to. I spend time capping and have a decent track record capping games...

I don't think there has been one time where you have come into my thread and said something meaningful or helpful, or hell even agreed with me. So I have found a solution STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY THREADS. I don't follow you fucking low life faggots around and wait for the next thing you say just to bash it so get a fucking life and stay the fuck out of the shit I say... Is that so hard? Probably because you low life fucking faggots get off on this shit... Skins and Dsethi you are solid cappers but you are flat out bitches... It must be fun... when I start a friend do you guys all get on IM and tell each other "Oh Shit themanej2001 started a thread lets rip this kid."

The thing is you act as if I am the most annoying poster... THEN FUCKING BLOCK ME ******.... Get a fucking life all of you honestly... The act is getting old... Certain people at times are constructive but most of you are worthless in my fucking threads... Kiss my white fucking ass...

The thing is I contribute probably more then half of you do to this forum. Half of you only participate to bash or to post shit that doesn't fucking matter. Own up and get a fucking life. I am not going to act like I am going to fuck you guys up like I am some tough guy. I will go my way and you go yours but just leave me the fuck alone. You are annoying and obviously got picked on as kids so you feel the need to go online where people can't see how fucking gay you actually are, and you can hope you are accepted on this online forum. You are like an online gang and it is flat out fucking gay. Do you guys touch cocks to?

Maybe you can tell us how great it was the last time you guys were hanging out. Don't you have better shit to fucking do. GROW THE FUCK UP FAGGGGGGOTS! Your act is getting old. So it is simple go and hit the block button and stay the fuck out of what I say. Problem Solved? I hope so...

Yes I have posted this in both the Rubber Room and main forum so please don't remind me 100 times. In fact don't even waste your time responding because I should be blocked by now...

I am trying to eliminate controversy...

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
you need some psychiatric help buddy. Delusions of grandeur=schizo.

False... Haha why do I need help. Because I get sick of you idiots commenting negatively on everything I say. SO I call you out with a few others because you guys do the same to me all the time...

Please Sticky... Why are you responding anyway... I SHOULD BE ON BLOCK.

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
so are you saying you want them to stay out of your threads ?

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Well, first off, the people in the list actually know how to take a joke. They'll dish it out but they definitely get their share of heat. But they can take it. You need to learn how to relax and take some fun out of life. The frat life hasn't taught you that yet?

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
the little blue pills......makes your period only last 3 days.....give them a try.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Well, first off, the people in the list actually know how to take a joke. They'll dish it out but they definitely get their share of heat. But they can take it. You need to learn how to relax and take some fun out of life. The frat life hasn't taught you that yet?

A joke? None of them can take a joke. I think Time to Pay will agree here, when you do the same things to them that they do to you... they call all their homo friends to come and defend them and say how that wasn't a joke because they no what a joke is... If they could take shit I would understand but none of them can... WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN BLOCKED BY YOU YET?

New member
Jan 18, 2005
I have no reason to block you. A man needs to laugh in life. Focus on your finals man and not internet gambling message board drama.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
I have no reason to block you. A man needs to laugh in life. Focus on your finals man and not internet gambling message board drama.

I try not to... But everything I start has something wrong with it... but Joey's stories about drinking in some Irish pub is so important in his fucking eyes...

When I write something here I don't need a bunch of idiots ridiculing everything that I wrote... Jesus Christ it has become an obsession that these idiots have. That is the thing... 50% of the threads these idiots go in they bring me up somehow... It is flat out sickening and really annoying and weird... Creepy at that...

I try not to take anything in life seriously... I am extremely mellow and fuck around probably more then these guys in person. If these guys could take criticism like they give it out it would be acceptable. But every time they get criticized they go and call their boyfriends to defend them. Honestly shit is just flat out annoying now...

New member
Jan 18, 2005
If you say you're mellow, why do you bother posting this in both forums? Why post this at all? You seem to think you can handle jokes but it's far from it. Most of the jokes you hear online is what you'd hear among your buddies anyway. What's the difference then?
Oct 26, 2003
Lighten up is really too short, this is a forum where posters can relax and have some fun...alot of friendships have started on this forum and many have good senses of humor....if you REALLY can't take it, take your ball and go the fuk home....This site will continue to grow without any of us, so grin and bear it....everyone here is having a good time, and if you decide to come to the Bash this year, you will see what I mean....most of the guys you mentioned were there last year and a good time was had by please, get over yourself and make an effort to come to Las Vegas...

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
Here are my thoughts

1. I could tell the kid was about done last night and knew everyone should let it go. You could tell this got to him and he needed a break

2. I will say some of those guys on the list SAY they can take a joke but are as sensitive as anyone on the board. Not going to name names but I could provide numerous posts if i had too.

3. Manej your shit is just funny man. It comes off a whole other way to the rest of the world and is great joke material.

4. I will say even though the majority of that list disliked me at the beginning but if you stick around long enough a Mr.Wonderful comes around and you get pushed to the back.Could be wrong but dont really give a fuck either way.

5.Manej man you cant be this soft man. You were the fucking best shooter on your team and took jordan 1 on 1. Man up

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
If you say you're mellow, why do you bother posting this in both forums? Why post this at all? You seem to think you can handle jokes but it's far from it. Most of the jokes you hear online is what you'd hear among your buddies anyway.

These dudes are not my buddies. These dudes are not my friends.

Explain this Wild... I live in the biggest house on campus... Pricks everywhere... You know and I know that we probably fuck around there more then anyone...


When you go into these guys threads and fuck with them in the same way... They will say it wasn't written like a joke, and all their boyfriends will come in the thread and attack you together. Come on man you and I know this happens. They have been called out for this before.

These are not my friends and I have asked them countless times to just not respond but they can't help themselves. They must have been ridiculed or something when they were younger and this must make them feel better. But INTERNET stalking is flat out fucking creepy that is my point.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
lol i was only trying to help obviously don't need it carry on young man i hope you win all your plays i really do but you have to admit you are an attention whore you can't help it and this thread proves it.......whether you want it or not you have comedy genius

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Here are my thoughts

1. I could tell the kid was about done last night and knew everyone should let it go. You could tell this got to him and he needed a break

2. I will say some of those guys on the list SAY they can take a joke but are as sensitive as anyone on the board. Not going to name names but I could provide numerous posts if i had too.

3. Manej your shit is just funny man. It comes off a whole other way to the rest of the world and is great joke material.

4. I will say even though the majority of that list disliked me at the beginning but if you stick around long enough a Mr.Wonderful comes around and you get pushed to the back.Could be wrong but dont really give a fuck either way.

5.Manej man you cant be this soft man. You were the fucking best shooter on your team and took jordan 1 on 1. Man up

yea, you were annoying in the beginning. You got better. Btw, I agree with some of the posters not being able to handle the heat but dish it out like no tomorrow.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Here are my thoughts

1. I could tell the kid was about done last night and knew everyone should let it go. You could tell this got to him and he needed a break

2. I will say some of those guys on the list SAY they can take a joke but are as sensitive as anyone on the board. Not going to name names but I could provide numerous posts if i had too.

3. Manej your shit is just funny man. It comes off a whole other way to the rest of the world and is great joke material.

4. I will say even though the majority of that list disliked me at the beginning but if you stick around long enough a Mr.Wonderful comes around and you get pushed to the back.Could be wrong but dont really give a fuck either way.

5.Manej man you cant be this soft man. You were the fucking best shooter on your team and took jordan 1 on 1. Man up

HAHA see I can take your comments as jokes because I know you are fucking around... That is the difference I also know you can take a joke. But those guys always dish shit out and then when you talk shit back they get fucking furious and everyone joins in against you...

TTP I have never had a problem with you and understand your joking... Those guys just never quit... They congratulate themselves on things they say like they just won the Heisman trophy or something haha

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